Wolf 101 program scheduled

The Winnebago County Conservation Board will be hosting a program entitled Wolf 101 at the Hanson Nature Center, Saturday, Sept. 14, beginning at 1:30 p.m. The program will last 45-60 minutes and will be held in conjunction with the “Wolves and Wild Lands” traveling exhibit that is on display at the Center through the month of September. So, people will also be able to view the exhibit before or after the program.
The Wolf 101 program will be presented via Zoom by personnel from the International Wolf Center in Ely, Minn., the facility that organized the traveling exhibit. The program will cover the basics of gray wolf biology and behavior and will address a variety of topics including where wolves live, what they eat, and how they have adapted to different environments. It will be interactive, allowing for questions and answers, and will also include live wolves in their naturalized habitat as part of the program. As a result, the Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC) has awarded the Wolf 101 program the LifeLong Value Seal.    
This program will be free and open to the public and will provide a great introduction to the world of gray wolves.
For questions about either the wolf program or the traveling exhibit, people can contact Winnebago County Naturalist Lisa Ralls at 641-567-3390, or at lisa.ralls@winnebagocountyiowa.gov.

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