
Gabble Unplugged

Paul Harvey was famous for his new brocadcasts on the radio, which eventually grew to his "The rest of the story" show, where he expounded on a news item, personality of somethihg else where we knew the story, but not the full story. He then told us that which we did not know about this person or issue. We could use Paul Harvey today.

Republicans, who are giddy over passage of their first major piece of legislation in almost one year, with the recent passage of the tax bill are telling us one side of the story.

Gabble Unplugged

As Peter Griffin would say "that really grinds my gears."

I am referring to the lack of intellectual curiosity that exists in today's society. In particular, I read comments on a Facebook post this morning about a local television station leaning more heavily on Minnesota news, rather than Iowa news.This despite the fact that they have been located in Iowa for many years.

Gabble Unplugged

To say that I was shocked when I heard the news of the passing of Tom Petty, would not be accurate.

After all, he was a rock and roller in his late 60s, who I am guessing led a life of excess during his younger years on the road with the band. While I am unsure of any other vices, I understood that while he drastically cut down on his cigarette consumption, he remained a smoker. Even a clean living individual would see a toll from so many years on the road.

Gabble Unplugged

This is admittedly a weird name for a column that appears exclusively online, but what can I say. I am not very creative.

Here you will find a variety of thoughts and musings on a wide variety of issues and topics, ranging from continued thoughts on subject which have been addressed in my print column to totally stand-alone pieces.

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